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The mineral resources and reserves of the company form the basis for Viscaria’s future operations. By carefully planning how the operations will be conducted and with a deep understanding of the characteristics of the minerals, we can make well-founded investment decisions.

Through extensive exploration work, Viscaria’s team is constantly increasing its knowledge of our deposits. Exploration work focuses on both identifying new deposits and deepening our understanding of already known mineralisations.

Since the acquisition of Viscaria in 2019, we have continuously prospected in the area, leading to even better opportunities for future mining operations. In 2023, our drilling activities intensified to improve the precision in assessing mineral grades and the appearance and nature of mineralisations.

Currently, our main focus is on prospecting in the Viscaria area, but also within the project in Arvidsjaur. We look forward to continuing the work to initiate mining operations that will contribute to a sustainable and successful copper supply.

Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources represent a concentration or occurrence of minerals in or on the Earth’s crust that have reasonable prospects for economic extraction. To assess a mineral resource, geological properties such as geometry, density, quantity, grade, and other geological characteristics are evaluated.

Mineral Resources are classified according to the degree of knowledge about the mineralisation into three categories: inferred, indicated, and measured, with “measured” representing the highest degree of confidence.

Mineral Reserves

Mineral Reserves are the portion of known and/or indicated mineral resources that are deemed economically viable to extract. When assessing Mineral Reserves, we consider factors such as the proportion of waste rock and potential losses during mining or extraction. These assessments are conducted through studies that include so-called modifying factors, which demonstrate whether extraction is justifiable at the time of reporting.

Mineral Reserves can be classified into two categories based on the level of certainty: “probable reserves” and “proven reserves,” with “proven” being the highest category.

At Viscaria, we continuously work to meticulously examine and evaluate our Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. This is crucial for our operations to ensure a sustainable and profitable mining business.

Mineral resources & reserves

Mineral resources (November 2022)

In November 2022, Viscaria presented a resource upgrade of the company’s mineral assets. At that time, a transition to the PERC Standard had been initiated. This transition is a process over time. The current report has been prepared in accordance with the PERC Standard as far as possible, but does not claim to be fully compliant with the regulations. Therefore, Viscaria advises caution when assessing the report. According to the November 2022 update, the copper-bearing rock resources in the Viscaria area amount to 93 million tonnes, with an average copper grade of 0.88 percent.

Viscaria_Porträtt_0436 Foto: Fredric Alm

”For us, it is important to measure and assess the richness of our deposits in a systematic and transparent manner. Quality should permeate all the work we do, which is why it is natural for us to use the latest PERC standard, which sets high requirements for reporting our assets.”

Karin Lindgren, Viscaria’s Geology Manager


Reporting according to the PERC standard

Viscaria follows the recommendations of the industry organisation Svemin when reporting exploration results, mineral resources, and mineral reserves. Svemin prescribes the use of internationally recognised standards and particularly recommends the PERC Standard, which is based on The Template developed by CRIRSCO.

Currently, work is underway to upgrade the reporting of Viscaria’s mineral resources and mineral reserves to PERC Standard 2021, the latest issued standard.

Concessions and Permits

Granted Mining Concessions

Svartliden K nr 1 36.0 December 27, 2000 December 27, 2025 lead, gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Viscaria K nr 3 115.7 January 16, 2012 January 16, 2037 gold, iron, copper, silver, zinc Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria K nr 4 30.0 January 16, 2012 January 16, 2037 gold, iron, copper, silver, zinc Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Tvistbogruvan K nr 1 11.4 April 17, 2012 April 17, 2037 lead, gold, copper, manganese, silver, tungsten, zinc Smedjebacken Viscaria Tvistbo AB
Eva K nr 1 34.2 November 10, 2017 November 10, 2042 lead, gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Viscaria K nr 7 63.8 March 26, 2018 March 26, 2043 copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
All granted processing concessions and granted exploration permits are 100 percent owned by Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria AB or by the wholly owned subsidiaries Viscaria Kiruna AB, Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB and Viscaria Tvistbo AB.

Granted Exploration Permits

Sandberget nr 300 18.7 October 3, 2012 October 3, 2024 gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Sandberget nr 200 19.2 October 3, 2012 October 3, 2024 gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Goddevarri nr 101 148.4 December 4, 2019 December 4, 2024 copper, lead, zinc, iron, gold, silver Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria East 211.9 June 9, 2017 June 9, 2025 copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 1 818.7 June 24, 2008 June 24, 2025 copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 117 4986.5 January 13, 2023 January 13, 2026 gold, iron, cobalt, copper, molybden, nickel, silver Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 118 9.0 March 29, 2023 March 29, 2026 gold, copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 107 1842.8 August 10, 2009 August 10, 2026 copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 119 1408.5 November 1, 2023 November 1, 2026 gold, iron that occurs in the bedrock, copper. Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Kirkkovaarti nr 1 386.4 November 8, 2018 November 8, 2026 copper, lead, zinc, iron, gold, silver Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Sandberget nr 400 535.6 February 11, 2019 February 11, 2027 gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Sandberget nr 500 7641.0 February 11, 2019 February 11, 2027 gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Sandberget nr 600 1048.6 April 10, 2024 April 10, 2027 gold, copper, silver, zinc Arvidsjaur Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB
Nihka East 144.1 June 16, 2015 June 16, 2027 copper Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 121 1444.4 August 26, 2024 August 26, 2027 gold, iron found in bedrock, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, nickel, silver Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Viscaria nr 120 586.8 August 26, 2024 August 26, 2027 gold, iron found in bedrock, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, nickel, silver Kiruna Viscaria Kiruna AB
Total (ha) 21250.6
All granted processing concessions and granted exploration permits are 100 percent owned by Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria AB or by the wholly owned subsidiaries Viscaria Kiruna AB, Viscaria Arvidsjaur AB and Viscaria Tvistbo AB.

Competent person

Information provided in accordance with the PERC regulations must be reviewed by a so-called competent person. This person should be an expert in the subject matter being reported and a member of an independent expert organization, such as FAMMP (Fennoscandian Association for Metals and Minerals Professionals). At Viscaria, the competent person is Thomas Lindholm. He holds a Master’s degree in Geotechnics/Geophysics and is certified as a competent person according to FAMMP. Thomas Lindholm is also a Fellow of the AusIMM (Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy), which means he can report in accordance with both the PERC and JORC standards. Svemin’s review board continuously monitors that companies adhere to the organization’s rules and that reporting is conducted correctly according to the standards.